I'm glad you're willing to shine some light on this and yourself. This sentence alone is so frustrating ... "but I received no mental health training before, during, or after going to dangerous places". I hope that organizations like NPR, etc can learn from this. Even as a dorm staff or a volunteer firefighter, I was offered plenty of training and debriefing after incidents and those were not at all like war. Keep talking, writing and shining the light in dark corners. We're glad you're still here and Squeak is too.

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Intriguing, Sean. And important to note for journalists of any medium headed into conflict zones of what they will NOT be prepared for. This is important work. This right here about halfway down the article should be the first thing publishers read. It completely caught me: "I received security training—how to recognize and avoid threats, how to triage traumatic injuries—but I received no mental health training before, during, or after going to dangerous places. I had no skills in how to process the danger and horrors I saw. I was left to my own devices to work through it, and frankly I did a poor job."

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